So, it has been a veeery long time since I posted anything. Partly because my computer was messed up and partly because I haven't felt like I had much to say. I'm excited about the Christmas season! Hailey and I have been practicing for the play at church, which should be very funny. I don't remember ever being in a play as an adult, so it has been a lot of fun. Especially with all the crazy people we have been working with! They keep us in stitches. I've also been planning a trip for our youth group during Christmas break. We are going to Xtreme in Branson. Casting Crowns, Brandon Heath, Newsong, Skillet! It should be a blast! I love doing it, and the kids are all pretty excited. Praying for good weather that week.
My kids actually already got their big presents, so I'm hoping we can just focus on family time and having fun together this season. We finally got the tree decorated yesterday, so I feel like the season is finally in full swing for me. You never know. I may even manage a few Christmas cards, but no promises!
The 2009 Johnson Family Tree