Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snow Buddies

The day brought a lot more snow than we were expecting!  I loved watching it come down all day.  Tyler begged Hailey to go out with him all day, and she finally agreed....after dark! 

Hailey even played with Ellie for a few minutes.

They took a second to come up on the porch and pose.

Tyler wanted Ellie to pose, too but she was too busy discovering this new stuff called snow!

My little angels making snow angels.  Isn't it cool how you can see the snow still coming down?

It was too cold to stay out very long, but they made the most of it.  They came in red faced and ready for the hot chocolate Dad had ready for them. Sounds like they will have several days to play this week!  Hailey said she'd rather have her summer, but Ty will take a day off any way he can get it.