Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fun at VBS!!

We have been having a blast at Bible School this week. We have had a ton of kids! The music is awesome, and the kids are so excited. I get to take all the pictures for the slide sow at the end of the day. It is the best possible VBS job. I totally love it. I have had a few mix ups. Last night I left my SD card in the computer and took a bunch of pictures on my internal memory accidentally. Which led me to these....

Carson at the beach house in Destin.

Tyler and Hailey.. I think. I barely recognize her!

Wow! Time goes by so quickly! These pictures sure do make you realize how fast they grow and that we need to enjoy every moment we have with our families.
This week really has me reflecting. I remember when the kids were too young for VBS, but got to come hang out because I was helping. Now Hailey is a helper herself. Doesn't seem possible. I'm thankful that she still loves it and wants to be there in any way she can.


  1. Oh my GOSH, this is freakin' me out! (as Carson would say). I can't believe those pics. They look so little!!! And Carson looks like a baby... I'm glad they're growing big and healthy, but I want to go back and hold him again.

  2. Thanks for this - what a difference on all three kids!!!

  3. I cried. I love your kids more than words could ever say.
