Saturday, September 5, 2009

Please Mommy!

James and the kids took his grandma out for breakfast this morning. I stayed home to do a few things around the house. I thought they were gone quite a while, but they finally got home. Hailey yelled up the stairs for me to come down there for a minute. As I started down the stairs she said,"Don't be mad mom." I said, "You brought home a puppy, didn't you." So, here she is. She is so cute! A friend or ours was at the farmer's market with them, so James stopped to see him. The big softy fell in love and couldn't leave her! I hope she doesn't stress Wishbone out too much. Maybe she can teach the puppy to be a good girl like her.

Hailey and Tyler were so excited! We have been throwing out names all day, but nothing sticks.

Who could resist that face?


  1. James has gotten to be quite a softy in his old age. She is so cute. How big will she get? Is that a Rott?

    BTW Cowboy Days is at Etheridge Farms in West Springfield.

  2. So cute - even if I am not a dog person!!!!
