My friend Leslie challenged us to list 50 things about ourselves, so here it goes.
1. I wish I had gone to college.
2. I am still employed at the same place I started when I was 16. (Pathetic--I know.)
3. Blue is my favorite color.
4. I wish I was a good decorator.
5. I have to have a nap on Sunday.
6. I like the way I feel after I work out, but I still have to make myself do it.
7. I hate the feeling of having my nails filed.
8. I do not like to shop by myself.
9. My hair drives me crazy.
10. I love teaching kids at church. All ages.
11. I would have a housekeeper every week if I could.
12. I buy shoes-- a lot of shoes.
13. I get irritated when people talk during my favorite shows.
14. I don't like to get my hair wet.
15. I love to go to concerts with Hailey.
16. I can't stand the way my chins look in pictures.
17. My family lived in the same house my whole childhood.
18. There are childhood friends I wish I could talk to just one more time.
19. I hate seeing my grandparents get older.
20. I love that my kids still want to curl up on the couch with me.
21. I love to watch my family having fun.
22. I love to sit on the front porch on cool evenings.
23. I sneak cookies or ice cream in the middle of the night.
24. I took piano lessons for years, but can't play anything now.
25. Most flowers make me sneeze.
26. My memory is not always great.
27. I love Italian food.
28. I was baptized in a creek.
29. I do not eat veggies.
30. Blueberry anything is my favorite.
31. Sweet tea is my favorite drink.
32. I had Lasik surgery, but I still wear glasses.
33. I love Monday night Bunco.
34. I'm planning a ladies retreat.
35. I can't sleep if I'm not covered up.
36. I didn't pierce my ears until I was 18.
37. I love to tan even though I know it's bad for me.
38. I procrastinate.
39. I think I'm pretty easy going, but others may say otherwise.
40. People who don't do their job really annoy me.
41. Thin crust canadian bacon is the best pizza.
42. I am on my laptop way too much.
43. I wish I had or made more time to read.
44. I have a hard time getting rid of things, but I'm getting better.
45. I have a bum left shoulder that hurts almost every day.
46. I have been hurt by people I thought were my friends.
47. I only go camping because the kids love it.
48. Winter depresses me, but I love to play in the snow.
49. I love to sleep in.
50. I want to go on The Music Boat cruise with Third Day!